Prayer Miles – Covering the Parish with Prayer

I am giving you every square inch of the land you set your foot on.” Joshua 1:3

What are we doing?

Many people will be following the Church of England’s LiveLent 2021 theme which encourages the church to take God’s amazing story, and our amazing story as his children, to our neighbours and communities.

Over the Lent period for 2021 (17th February to Easter Sunday), we’d love to cover our parish in prayer, praying for our communities and asking God to prepare the ground for His story, the good news, to become known, take root and grow in the lives of those around us.

Prayer walking (or running, or cycling) is an ideal way of doing this. But you can also do it online (using Google Maps or other sources) or just using a paper map to mark the streets and places you have prayed for.

We’d love to do this together, and see how much ground we can cover over the coming weeks before Easter. One of the ways we’d like to do this together is to have a map of the parish on this page which we’ll update to see ground we’ve covered as we pray.

How can I take Part?

Anyone can take part in this. Here are some suggestions about how to join in.

Whenever you go for a walk, bike ride or a run, why not choose a route which covers some ground in our parish, and pray. To read more about how to prayer-walk, you can click on this link.

Record your route on a fitness device or app

If you have a watch, phone or other device which can support a running or other fitness app (such as Strava, Mapmyride), just record your route. When you get home, export the route (as a GPX file) and email it to [email protected]. Instructions for doing this on a range of common devices and apps can be found by clicking on the links below. It’s quite easy and quick to do:

We will then upload your route to the map below:

What if I don’t have a device or app?

If you don’t have a device and just want to walk with a paper map, then you can download the map here, or contact [email protected] to obtain a paper copy.

To share the streets you have prayed on, just send an email to [email protected] and we’ll keep a record of all the street names people send in and put them on this page too.

What if I can’t go out or just want to pray from home?

If you don’t have a device and just want to walk with a paper map, then you can download the map here, or contact [email protected] to obtain a paper copy.

You could also pray using Google maps. Just follow a street online (you can use StreetView to do this) and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer for the places and people you see.

To share the streets you have prayed on, just drop a note into the church office or send an email to [email protected] and we’ll keep a record of all the street names people send in and put them on this page too.

Prayer Miles information graphic for Christ Church Chilwell Nottingham