Hope Hub

Welcome to the Hope Community Hub page


What is the Hub?

The Hope Hub, based at St Barnabas Church, Inham Nook, is a partnership between Chilwell Parish and Hope Nottingham that aims to bring hope and life to our neighbourhoods and communities.



We want to provide a space for people to come, meet others, and grow community together, with the presence and love of Jesus Christ at the heart of what we do.

The Hub involves local people and aims to work together with other organisations, welcoming everyone into a supportive and compassionate environment, supporting our wonderful local community by offering hospitality, friendship and practical help.


Our values are:

Embrace: to welcome everyone. To support and work together with our wonderful community. To offer safety and security

Enliven: to bring life and joy, and make a positive difference to our neighbourhoods

Enable: to enable relationship and offer support. To promote participation and ownership in our community life together


What’s going on?

We are open to the public and offering a warm place for all over winter, with free refreshments. The current Hub activities at St Barnabas church, Inham Nook include:

· Monday, 9-11.30am Community Café
· Monday, 1-3pm Food Club (excluding bank holidays)
· Tuesday, 2-4pm Foodbank
· Tuesday, 3.15-4:30pm After School (during school term)
· Wednesday, 10-12am Coffee Morning
· Friday, 11am-1:30pm Friday Lunch


















How can I be part of this?

We’d love to hear your ideas and maybe you’d like to offer some of your time or other support.

Please feel free to drop in and have a chat with our team. As neighbours come together at these times, we will be encouraging one another to imagine what else we could do together that will grow hope and life in our local community.

If you would like to write to us with any questions or suggestions, please contact [email protected]


How to find us?