About Christ Church

Christ Church Chilwell

churchChrist Church Chilwell is part of Chilwell Parish and works closely with our sister church, St Barnabas in Inham Nook to serve the 17,000 people living within our parish.

We co-mission with God to see people coming to faith and grow as servant-hearted followers of Jesus. We believe in creating safe places for all people to receive love, and be valued and invested in. We intend to be thriving for decades to come with sustainable ministries and facilities, and delight that young people are critical to our present and future.

We are an Anglican church (part of the Church of England) and belong within the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham. The Bishop for the Diocese is Paul Williams, who is supported by the Suffragan Bishop, Andy Emerton. We are regarded in the diocese to be a resourcing church both to the local community and other churches in terms of premises, time, skills and money. We are also an EcoChurch, striving to care for God’s creation as best as we are able.

There are three different services each with it’s own form and feel. The 9am service is more traditional with hymns, liturgy, and Holy Communion every week. The 10:45 gathering is more family-orientated with groups for children and young people, and monthly services where we’re all in together. Then there’s ‘Encounter’, which meets at 6pm on the 4th Sunday of the month and is very informal, offering a more fluid variety of sung worship, space to discuss some Bible teaching and prayer.

St Barnabas, Inham Nook

inhamIn 1959 Christ Church planted (established) a new church in Inham Nook – St Barnabas – to serve the newly built Inham Nook estate.  St Barnabas is the church on the estate and for the estate. There are two worshipping communities (or congregations) that gather at St Barnabas. One meets on Sundays at 10:30 and the other, ‘The Orchard’, meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 4pm.

The 10:30 service, is led by Rev’d Jonathan Strickland, who serves part time; while The Orchard is overseen by Rev’d Ryan Mellor.

Alongside Jonathan, St Barnabas is steered by the St Barnabas Council; however, overall responsibility for St Barnabas lies with the Vicar, Rev’d Andy Tufnell, and the PCC of the Chilwell Parish.

St Barnabas is known in the community as ‘the light on the hill’ and offers a warm welcome to everyone. Jesus claimed to be the light of the world, so we meet to hear what Jesus says and seek to follow His teaching in our daily lives – to do the kind of things Jesus did.

Please visit our website for more information.